CPAN::Search::Lite::PPM - extract ppm package information from repositories
This module gets information on available ppm packages on remote
repositories. The repositories searched are specified in
of CPAN::Search::Lite::Util. Only those
distributions whose names appear from CPAN::Search::Lite::Info
are saved. After creating a CPAN::Search::Lite::PPM object through
the new
method and calling the fetch_info
method, the
information is available as:
my $ppms = $ppm_obj->{ppms}; for my $rep_id (keys %{$ppms}) { print "For repository with id = $rep_id:\n"; for my $package (keys %{$ppms->{$id}}) { print << "END"; Package: $package Version: $ppms->{$rep_id}->{$package}->{version} Abstract: $ppms->{$rep_id}->{$package}->{abstract}
END } }
the CPAN::Search::Lite::Index manpage
package CPAN::Search::Lite::PPM; use strict; use LWP::UserAgent; use SOAP::Lite; use XML::Parser; use PPM::XML::PPD; use PPM::XML::PPMConfig; use CPAN::Search::Lite::Util qw($repositories); our ($VERSION); $VERSION = 0.66; my %current_package; sub new { my ($class, %args) = @_; die "Please supply distribution data" unless $args{dists}; my $self = {dists => $args{dists}, ppms => {}}; bless $self, $class; } sub fetch_info { my $self = shift; my $dists = $self->{dists}; my $ppm = {}; for my $id (keys %$repositories) { my $location = $repositories->{$id}->{LOCATION}; print "Getting ppm information from $location\n"; my $packages = summary($location); next unless $packages; foreach my $package (keys %$packages) { next unless $dists->{$package}; my $version = ppd2cpan_version($packages->{$package}->{VERSION}); my $abstract = $packages->{$package}->{ABSTRACT}; $dists->{$package}->{description} = $abstract unless $dists->{$package}->{description}; $ppm->{$id}->{$package} = { version => $version, abstract => $abstract, }; } } $self->{ppms} = $ppm; return 1; } sub summary { my $loc = shift; my $packages; # see if the repository has server-side searching # see if a summary file is available my %summary = RepositorySummary(location => $loc); return unless %summary; foreach my $package (keys %{$summary{$loc}}) { $packages->{$package} = \%{$summary{$loc}{$package}}; } return $packages; } sub ppd2cpan_version { local $_ = shift; s/(,0)*$//; tr/,/./; return $_; } # Returns a summary of available packages for all repositories. # Returned hash has the following structure: # # $hash{repository}{package_name}{NAME} # $hash{repository}{package_name}{VERSION} # etc. # sub RepositorySummary { my %argv = @_; my $location = $argv{location}; my (%summary, $locations); # If we weren't given the location of a repository to query the summary # for, check all of the repositories that we know about. foreach (keys %$repositories) { if ($location =~ /^\Q$repositories->{$_}->{LOCATION}\E$/i) { $locations->{$repositories->{$_}->{LOCATION}} = $repositories->{$_}->{SUMMARYFILE}; last; } } # Check all of the summary file locations that we were able to find. foreach $location (keys %$locations) { my $summaryfile = $locations->{$location}; next unless ($summaryfile); my $data; next unless ($data = read_href(request => 'GET', href => "$location/$summaryfile")); $summary{$location} = parse_summary($data); } return %summary; } sub read_href { my %argv = @_; my $href = $argv{href}; my $request = $argv{request}; my $target = $argv{target}; my ($proxy_user, $proxy_pass); # If this is a SOAP URL, handle it differently than FTP/HTTP/file. if ($href =~ m#^(http://.*)\?(.*)#i) { my ($proxy, $uri) = ($1, $2); my $fcn; if ($uri =~ m#(.*:/.*)/(.+?)$#) { ($uri, $fcn) = ($1, $2); } my $client = SOAP::Lite -> uri($uri) -> proxy($proxy); if ($fcn eq 'fetch_summary') { my $summary = eval { $client->fetch_summary()->result; }; if ($@) { warn $@; return; } return $summary; } $fcn =~ s/\.ppd$//i; my $ppd = eval { $client->fetch_ppd($fcn)->result }; if ($@) { warn $@; return; } return $ppd; # todo: write to disk file if $target } # Otherwise it's a standard URL, go ahead and request it using LWP. my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent; $ua->agent($ENV{HTTP_proxy_agent} || ("$0/0.1 " . $ua->agent)); if (defined $ENV{HTTP_proxy}) { $proxy_user = $ENV{HTTP_proxy_user}; $proxy_pass = $ENV{HTTP_proxy_pass}; $ua->env_proxy; } my $req = new HTTP::Request $request => $href; if (defined $proxy_user && defined $proxy_pass) { $req->proxy_authorization_basic("$proxy_user", "$proxy_pass"); } # Do we need to do authorization? # This is a hack, but will have to do for now. foreach (keys %$repositories) { if ($href =~ /^$repositories->{$_}->{LOCATION}/i) { my $username = 'anonymous'; my $password = ''; if (defined $username && defined $password) { $req->authorization_basic($username, $password); last; } } } my $response = $ua->request($req); if ($response && $response->is_success) { return $response->content; } if ($response) { warn(qq{Error reading $href: } . $response->code . " " . $response->message); } else { warn ("read_href: Error reading $href"); } return; } sub parse_summary { my $data = shift; my (%summary, @parsed); # take care of '&' $data =~ s/&(?!\w+;)/&/go; my $parser = new XML::Parser( Style => 'Objects', Pkg => 'PPM::XML::RepositorySummary' ); eval { @parsed = @{ $parser->parse( $data ) } }; if ($@) { warn $@; return; } my $packages = ${$parsed[0]}{Kids}; foreach my $package (@{$packages}) { my $elem_type = ref $package; $elem_type =~ s/.*:://; next if ($elem_type eq 'Characters'); if ($elem_type eq 'SOFTPKG') { my %ret_hash; parsePPD(%{$package}); %ret_hash = map { $_ => $current_package{$_} } qw(NAME TITLE AUTHOR VERSION ABSTRACT); $summary{$current_package{NAME}} = \%ret_hash; } } return \%summary; } sub parsePPD { my %PPD = @_; my $pkg; %current_package = (); # Get the package name and version from the attributes and stick it # into the 'current package' global var $current_package{NAME} = $PPD{NAME}; $current_package{VERSION} = $PPD{VERSION}; # Get all the information for this package and put it into the 'current # package' global var. my $got_implementation = 0; my $elem; foreach $elem (@{$PPD{Kids}}) { my $elem_type = ref $elem; $elem_type =~ s/.*:://; next if ($elem_type eq 'Characters'); if ($elem_type eq 'TITLE') { # Get the package title out of our _only_ char data child $current_package{TITLE} = $elem->{Kids}[0]{Text}; } elsif ($elem_type eq 'ABSTRACT') { # Get the package abstract out of our _only_ char data child $current_package{ABSTRACT} = $elem->{Kids}[0]{Text}; } elsif ($elem_type eq 'AUTHOR') { # Get the authors name out of our _only_ char data child $current_package{AUTHOR} = $elem->{Kids}[0]{Text}; } else { next; } } # End of "for each child element inside the PPD" } 1; __END__