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 CPAN::Search::Lite::Lang - export some common data structures used by CPAN::Search::Lite::*


CPAN::Search::Lite::Lang - export some common data structures used by CPAN::Search::Lite::*



This module can be used to populate some common data structures used by other CPAN::Search::Lite::* modules based on a requested language. The translated form of these structures are contained in CPAN::Search::Lite::Lang::*.pm (for example, or A hash %langs is exported, supplying a list of languages available, as well as a function load, used as

   load(lang => $lang, pages => $pages, chaps_desc => $chaps_desc);

which will, for example, take the data structure $pages and populate $pages-{$lang}> with the appropriate $page from the requested $pages from CPAN::Search::Lite::Lang::$ At present the available data structures are:


 CPAN::Search::Lite::Lang - export some common data structures used by CPAN::Search::Lite::*

CPAN-Search-Lite documentation | view source