CPAN::Search::Lite::Extract - extract files from CPAN distributions
This module extracts the pod sections from various files in a
CPAN distribution, and places them in the location specified by
in the main configuration file, underneath a
subdirectory denoting the distribution's name. Additionally,
it copies to this subdirectory the README and META.yml
files of the distribution, if they exist. Information on the
prerequisites of the package, as well as the abstract, if not
known at this point and if available, is extracted from
META.yml and stored for future use. It also runs
on all the pod files, placing the results underneath
It is assumed here that a local CPAN mirror exists; the no_mirror
configuration option will cause this extraction to be skipped.
the CPAN::Search::Lite::Index manpage
#!perl package CPAN::Search::Lite::Extract; use strict; use warnings; use Archive::Zip; use Archive::Tar; use File::Temp qw(tempfile); use File::Basename; use File::Path; use File::Spec::Functions qw(splitdir catfile catdir splitpath canonpath); use YAML qw(LoadFile); use File::Copy; use Pod::Html; use Pod::Select; use Perl::Tidy; use HTML::TextToHTML; use File::Find; use Safe; our ($VERSION); $VERSION = 0.66; my $ext = qr/\.(tar\.gz|tar\.Z|tgz|zip)$/; my $DEBUG = 1; my $setup; sub new { my ($class, %args) = @_; foreach (qw(CPAN pod_root html_root) ) { die "Must supply a '$_' argument" unless $args{$_}; } $setup = $args{setup}; my $index = $args{index}; my %info; foreach my $table (qw(dists mods auths)) { my $obj = $index->{$table}; die "Please supply a CPAN::Search::Lite::Index::$table object" unless ($obj and ref($obj) eq "CPAN::Search::Lite::Index::$table"); $info{$table} = $obj->{info}; } my $state = $args{state}; unless ($setup) { die "Please supply a CPAN::Search::Lite::State object" unless ($state and ref($state) eq 'CPAN::Search::Lite::State'); } if ($args{pod_only} and $args{split_pod}) { die qq{Please specify only one of "split_pod" or "pod_only"}; } my $self = {pod_root => $args{pod_root}, html_root => $args{html_root}, CPAN => $args{CPAN}, props => {}, %info, state => $state, css => $args{css}, up_img => $args{up_img}, pod_only => $args{pod_only}, split_pod => $args{split_pod}, }; bless $self, $class; } sub extract { my $self = shift; my $props = $self->{props}; my $dists = $self->{dists}; my $mods = $self->{mods}; my $CPAN = $self->{CPAN}; my $pod_root = $self->{pod_root}; my $pod_only = $self->{pod_only}; my $split_pod = $self->{split_pod}; my $pat = qr!^[^/]+/change|^[^/]+/install|\.pod$|\.pm$!i; my @dist_names = (); if ($setup) { @dist_names = keys %$dists; } else { my $dist_obj = $self->{state}->{obj}->{dists}; for my $type (qw(insert update)) { my $data = $dist_obj->{$type}; next unless $self->has_data($data); push @dist_names, keys %{$data}; } } foreach my $dist (@dist_names) { my $docs; my $values = $dists->{$dist}; my $version = $values->{version}; my $cpanid = $values->{cpanid}; my $filename = $values->{filename}; unless ($filename and $version and $cpanid) { warn "No distribution/version/cpanid info for $dist"; next; } my ($archive, @files); my $download = $self->download($cpanid, $filename); my $fulldist = catfile $CPAN, $download; unless (-f $fulldist) { print qq{"$fulldist" not present - skipping ...\n}; next; } print "Extracting files within $download ...\n"; my $cs = catfile $CPAN, $self->download($cpanid, 'CHECKSUMS'); if (-f $cs) { my $cksum = $self->load_cs($cs); my $md5; if ($cksum and ($md5 = $cksum->{$filename}->{md5})) { $dists->{$dist}->{md5} = $md5; } } (my $yaml = $fulldist) =~ s/$ext/.meta/; if (-f $yaml) { eval {$props->{$dist} = LoadFile($yaml);}; warn $@ if $@; } if ($props->{$dist} and $props->{$dist}->{requires}) { $dists->{$dist}->{requires} = $props->{$dist}->{requires}; } if ($props->{$dist} and $props->{$dist}->{abstract}) { $dists->{$dist}->{description} = $props->{$dist}->{abstract}; } my $dist_root = catdir $pod_root, $dist; $docs->{dist_root} = $dist_root; if (-d $dist_root) { rmtree($dist_root, $DEBUG, 1) or do { warn "Cannot rmtree $dist_root: $!"; next; }; } mkpath($dist_root, $DEBUG, 0755) or do { warn "Cannot mkdir $dist_root: $!"; next; }; (my $cpan_readme = $fulldist) =~ s/$ext/.readme/; if (-f $cpan_readme) { my $readme = catfile $dist_root, 'README'; copy($cpan_readme, $readme) or do { warn "Cannot copy $cpan_readme to $readme: $!"; next; }; my $contains_pod; open(my $fh, $readme) or do { warn "Cannot open $cpan_readme: $!"; next; }; while (<$fh>) { if (/^=head1/) { $contains_pod = 1; last; } } close $fh; if ($contains_pod) { rename ($readme, $readme . '.pod') or do { warn "Cannot rename $readme: $!"; next; }; $docs->{files}->{'README.pod'} = {name => "$dist README"}; } else { $docs->{files}->{'README'} = {name => "$dist README"}; } $dists->{$dist}->{readme} = 1; } if (-f $yaml) { my $meta = catfile $dist_root, 'META.yml'; copy($yaml, $meta) or do { warn "Cannot copy $yaml to $meta: $!"; next; }; $dists->{$dist}->{meta} = 1; $docs->{files}->{'META.yml'} = {name => "$dist META"}; } my $is_zip = ($filename =~ /\.zip$/); if ($is_zip) { $archive = Archive::Zip->new($fulldist) or do { warn "Cannot open $fulldist: $!"; next; }; @files = grep {m!$pat!} $archive->memberNames() or do { warn "Cannot list files for $fulldist: $!"; next; }; } else { $archive = Archive::Tar->new($fulldist, 1) or do { warn "Cannot open $fulldist: $!"; next; }; @files = grep {m!$pat!} $archive->list_files() or do { warn "Cannot list files for $fulldist: $!"; next; }; } my $ignore; push @{$ignore->{directory}}, qw(t blib); if (defined $props->{$dist}) { foreach my $key (qw(no_index ignore)) { foreach my $type(qw(directory file package)) { my $value = $props->{$dist}->{$key}->{$type}; next unless (defined $value and ref($value) eq 'ARRAY'); push @{$ignore->{$type}}, @$value; } } } my $ignore_pat = join '|', @{$ignore->{directory}}; @files = grep {not m!\Q$dist\E[^/]*/($ignore_pat)/!} @files; my $entry = $ignore->{file}; if ($entry and ref($entry) eq 'ARRAY') { $ignore_pat = join '|', @$entry; @files = grep {not m!\Q$dist\E[^/]*/($ignore_pat)$!} @files; } my %ignore_packs = (); $entry = $ignore->{package}; if (defined $entry and ref($entry) eq 'ARRAY') { %ignore_packs = map {$_ => 1} @$entry; } unless ($files[0] =~ /\Q$dist/) { warn "Strange unpacked directory structure for $dist"; # next; } foreach my $file (@files) { print "Extracting $file ...\n"; my $provides; if ($props->{$dist} and $props->{$dist}->{provides}) { $provides = $props->{$dist}->{provides}; } my $content = ($is_zip ? $archive->contents($file) : $archive->get_content($file) ) or do { warn "Cannot get content of $file: $!"; next; }; $content =~ s!\r!!g; my $is_pod = ($file =~ /\.(pod|pm)$/); my $has_pod = ($is_pod and $content =~ /^=head/m); next if ($pod_only and $is_pod and not $has_pod); my ($module, $description); if ($has_pod) { ($module, $description) = $self->abstract($content); } else { $module = $self->package_name($content); } next if ($module and $ignore_packs{$module}); if ($provides and $file =~ /\.pm$/) { next unless ($provides->{$module} and $file =~ /$provides->{$module}->{file}/); } my $rel_root; if ($module and $dists->{$dist}->{modules}->{$module}) { my @dirs = split /::/, $module; pop @dirs if @dirs >= 1; $rel_root = catdir(@dirs); } my $abs_root = $rel_root ? catdir $dist_root, $rel_root : $dist_root; unless (-d $abs_root) { mkpath($abs_root, $DEBUG, 0755) or do { warn "Cannot mkdir $abs_root: $!"; next; }; } my $doc = basename($file); if ($doc =~ /change/i and $doc !~ /\.pm$/) { $doc = $is_pod ? 'Changes.pod' : 'Changes'; $description = "$dist Changes"; $docs->{files}->{$doc} = {name => $description}; $dists->{$dist}->{changes} = 1; } if ($doc =~ /install/i and $doc !~ /\.pm$/) { $doc = $is_pod ? 'INSTALL.pod' : 'INSTALL'; $description = "$dist INSTALL"; $docs->{files}->{$doc} = {name => $description}; $dists->{$dist}->{install} = 1; } my $rel_file = $rel_root ? catfile $rel_root, $doc : $doc; my $abs_file = catfile $abs_root, $doc; if ($pod_only and $is_pod) { my ($tmpfh, $tmpfn) = tempfile(UNLINK => 1) or do { warn "Cannot create tempfile: $!"; next; }; print $tmpfh $content; seek($tmpfh,0,1); my $parser = Pod::Select->new(); $parser->parse_from_file($tmpfn, $abs_file); close $tmpfh; } else { open(my $fh, '>', $abs_file) or do { warn "Cannot write to $abs_file: $!"; next; }; print $fh $content; close $fh; } if ($is_pod) { my $name; if ($module) { $name = $module; } else { ($name = $doc) =~ s/\.(pm|pod)$//; } my $desc = $description || "$name documentation"; $docs->{files}->{$rel_file} = {name => $name, desc => $desc}; } if ($is_pod and $module) { if ($dists->{$dist}->{modules}->{$module}) { $mods->{$module}->{description} = $description if ($description and !$mods->{$module}->{description}); $mods->{$module}->{doc} = 1 if $has_pod; $mods->{$module}->{src} = 1 unless $pod_only; } unless ($dists->{$dist}->{description} or ! $description) { (my $trial_dist = $module) =~ s/::/-/g; if ($trial_dist eq $dist) { $dists->{$dist}->{description} = $description; } else { foreach my $key ( qw(abstract_from version_from) ) { next unless (my $key_file = $props->{$key}); if ($key_file =~ /\Q$rel_file/) { $dists->{$dist}->{description} = $description; last; } } } } } } $self->make_html($dist, $docs); } $self->cleanup() unless $setup; return 1; } sub cleanup { my $self = shift; my $dist_obj = $self->{state}->{obj}->{'CPAN::Search::Lite::State::dists'}; my $data = $dist_obj->{delete}; return unless $self->has_data($data); my $dists = $self->{dists}; my $pod_root = $self->{pod_root}; my $html_root = $self->{html_root}; foreach my $dist (keys %$data) { next unless defined $dist; my $values = $dists->{$dist}; my $cpanid = $values->{cpanid}; my $filename = $values->{filename}; my $download = $self->download($cpanid, $filename); my $pod_dir = catdir $pod_root, $dist; my $html_dir = catdir $html_root, $dist; foreach my $dir ($pod_dir, $html_dir) { if (-d $dir) { rmtree($dir, $DEBUG, 1) or do { warn "Cannot rmtree $dir: $!"; next; }; } } } return 1; } sub abstract { my ($self, $content) = @_; my @lines = split /\n/, $content; my ($description, $module); my $inpod = 0; foreach (@lines) { $inpod = /^=(?!cut)/ ? 1 : /^=cut/ ? 0 : $inpod; next if !$inpod; chomp; next unless /^\s*(\S+)\s+--?\s+(.*?)\s*$/; $module = $1; $description = $2; last; } my $has_mod = ($module and $module =~ /\w/); my $has_desc = ($description and $description =~ /\w/); $module =~ s/-/::/g if $has_mod; if ($has_mod and $has_desc) { return ($module, $description); } elsif ($has_mod) { return ($module, undef); } else { return; } } sub package_name { my ($self, $content) = @_; my @lines = split /\n/, $content; my $module; foreach (@lines) { if (/^package\s+(\S+)\s*;/) { return $1; } } return; } sub make_html { my ($self, $dist, $docs) = @_; my $mods = $self->{mods}; my $in_root = $docs->{dist_root}; my $out_root = catdir $self->{html_root}, $dist; my $css_file = $self->{css}; my $pod_only = $self->{pod_only}; my $split_pod = $self->{split_pod}; my $back_link = '__top'; my $up_img = $self->{up_img}; if (-d $out_root) { rmtree($out_root, $DEBUG, 1) or do { warn "Cannot rmtree $out_root: $!"; return; }; } mkpath($out_root, $DEBUG, 0755) or do { warn "Cannot mkdir $out_root: $!"; return; }; open(my $fh, '>', "$out_root/index.html") or do { warn "Could not open $out_root/index.html: $!"; return; }; print $fh <<"END"; <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>$dist documentation</TITLE> END if ($css_file) { print $fh <<"END"; <LINK rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../$css_file"></LINK> END } print $fh <<"END"; </HEAD> <BODY> <H2>$dist documentation</H2> <UL> END foreach my $file (sort keys %{$docs->{files}}) { my $infile = catfile $in_root, $file; next unless (-e $infile); my $is_text = ($file eq 'README' or $file eq 'Changes' or $file eq 'INSTALL' or $file eq 'META.yml'); my ($outfile, $html_file); if ($is_text) { $html_file = $file eq 'META.yml' ? 'META.html' : $file . '.html'; } else { ($html_file = $file) =~ s!\.(pod|pm)$!.html!; } $outfile = catfile $out_root, $html_file; my $abs_dir = dirname($outfile); unless (-d $abs_dir){ mkpath($abs_dir, 1, 0755) or do { warn "Couldn't mkdir $abs_dir: $!"; return; }; } my $rel_dir = dirname($file); my $root = $rel_dir eq '.' ? '../' : ('../' x (1 + scalar splitdir($rel_dir))); my $css = $css_file ? $root . $css_file : ''; print "Creating $outfile\n"; my $title; $html_file = unix_path($html_file); if ($is_text) { my $c = HTML::TextToHTML->new(); my %args = (); $title = "$dist - $file"; $args{infile} = [$infile]; $args{outfile} = $outfile; $args{title} = $title; $args{style_url} = $css if $css; $args{preformat_trigger_lines} = 0 if ($file eq 'META.yml'); eval{ $c->txt2html(%args); }; warn $@ if $@; print $fh qq{<LI><A HREF="$html_file">$title</A></LI>\n}; } else { my $html_root = $root . $dist; my $name = $docs->{files}->{$file}->{name}; my $desc = $docs->{files}->{$file}->{desc}; $title = $desc ? "$name - $desc" : $name; if ($pod_only) { my @opts = ( "--header", "--flush", "--backlink=$back_link", "--title=$title", "--infile=$infile", "--outfile=$outfile", "--podroot=$in_root", "--htmlroot=$html_root", "--quiet", ); push @opts, "--css=$css" if $css; eval{ pod2html(@opts); }; if ($@) { warn $@; next; } insert_up(file => $outfile, root => $root, dist => $dist, back_link => $back_link, up_img => $up_img); print $fh qq{<LI><A HREF="$html_file">$title</A></LI>\n}; } else { my $contains_pod = ''; if ($split_pod) { my ($tmpfh, $tmpfn) = tempfile(UNLINK => 1) or do { warn "Cannot create tempfile: $!"; next; }; my $parser = Pod::Select->new(); $parser->parse_from_file($infile, $tmpfn); while (<$tmpfh>) { if (/^=head1/) { $contains_pod = 1; last; } } if ($contains_pod) { my @opts = ( "--header", "--flush", "--backlink=$back_link", "--title=$title", "--infile=$tmpfn", "--outfile=$outfile", "--podroot=$in_root", "--htmlroot=$html_root", "--quiet", ); push @opts, "--css=$css" if $css; eval{ pod2html(@opts); }; if ($@) { warn $@; next; } insert_up(file => $outfile, root => $root, dist => $dist, back_link => $back_link, up_img => $up_img, pty => 1); } } unless ($contains_pod) { $title = $name; } my @opts = ( "--backlink=$back_link", "--title=$title", "--podroot=$in_root", "--htmlroot=$html_root", "--quiet", "--html", "--podflush", ); push @opts, "--css=$css" if $css; my $dest = $outfile; $dest =~ s{\.html$}{.pm.html} if $split_pod; my %args = (source => $infile, destination => $dest, argv => \@opts); chdir($abs_dir) or do { print STDERR "Could not chdir to $abs_dir: $!"; next; }; eval{ Perl::Tidy::perltidy(%args); }; if ($@) { warn $@; next; } insert_up(file => $dest, root => $root, dist => $dist, back_link => $back_link, up_img => $up_img, title => $title, source => $infile); if ($split_pod) { (my $src_file = $html_file) =~ s{\.html$}{.pm.html}; if ($contains_pod) { print $fh <<"EOL"; <li><a href="$html_file">$title</a> [<a href="$src_file">view source</a>]</li> EOL } else { print $fh <<"EOL"; <li>$name [<a href="$src_file">view source</a>]</li> EOL } } else { print $fh qq{<LI><A HREF="$html_file">$title</A></LI>\n}; } } } } my $up = qq{\n<hr />Back to <a href="../">home page</a>.<hr />\n}; print $fh qq{</UL>$up</BODY></HTML>\n}; close $fh; chdir $out_root; clean_pod($out_root); } sub clean_pod { my $dir = shift; return unless ($dir and -d $dir); my @goners; finddepth(sub { push @goners, $File::Find::name if $File::Find::name =~ /(pod2h|perltidy).*\.tmp$/i;}, $dir); if (@goners) { foreach my $f(@goners) { $f = canonpath($f); next unless -e $f; unlink $f; } } } sub insert_up { my (%args) = @_; my $file = $args{file}; my $root = $args{root}; my $dist = $args{dist}; my $up_img = $args{up_img}; my $back_link = $args{back_link}; my $title = $args{title}; my $source = $args{source}; my $pty = $args{pty}; my $copy = $file . '.orig'; rename ($file, $copy) or do { warn "Could not rename $file to $copy: $!"; return; }; open(my $old, $copy) or do { warn "Could not open $copy for reading: $!"; return; }; open(my $new, '>', $file) or do { warn "Could not open $file for writing: $!"; return; }; my $src = ''; if ($pty) { ($src = $file) =~ s{.*(/|\\)(.*)(\.html)}{$$3}; $src = qq{ | <a href="$src">view source</a>}; } my $up = qq{\n<hr /><a href="$root$dist/">$dist documentation</a>$src<hr />\n}; my $up_link = $up_img ? qq{<img src="$root$up_img" alt="$back_link" border="0" />} : ''; while (<$old>) { if ($source and $title) { s!\Q$source\E!$title!;# bug in Perl::Tidy which ignore --title option } s!(<body[^>]*>)!$1$up!; s!(</body[^>]*>)!$up$1!; s!<small>$back_link</small>!$up_link!i if $up_link; print $new $_; } close $old; close $new; unlink $copy or do { warn "Could not unlink $copy: $!"; return; }; return 1; } sub unix_path { my $file = shift; return $file unless $^O =~ /Win32/; my @d = splitpath($file); return File::Spec::Unix->catfile( splitdir($d[1]), $d[2]); } sub has_data { my ($self, $data) = @_; return unless (defined $data and ref($data) eq 'HASH'); return (scalar keys %$data > 0) ? 1 : 0; } sub download { my ($self, $cpanid, $dist_file) = @_; (my $fullid = $cpanid) =~ s!^(\w)(\w)(.*)!$1/$1$2/$1$2$3!; my $download = catfile 'authors/id', $fullid, $dist_file; return $download; } # routine to verify the CHECKSUMS for a file # adapted from the MD5 check of sub load_cs { my ($self, $cs) = @_; my ($cksum, $fh); unless (open $fh, $cs) { warn "Could not open $cs: $!"; return; } local($/); my $eval = <$fh>; $eval =~ s/\015?\012/\n/g; close $fh; my $comp = Safe->new(); $cksum = $comp->reval($eval); if ($@) { warn $@; return; } return $cksum; } 1; __END__