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 Apache2::CPAN::Query - mod_perl interface to CPAN::Search::Lite::Query


Apache2::CPAN::Query - mod_perl interface to CPAN::Search::Lite::Query



This module provides a mod_perl (2) interface to CPAN::Search::Lite::Query. The modules Apache2::Request and Apache2::Cookie of the libapreq2 distribution are required. A directive

    PerlLoadModule Apache2::CPAN::Query

should appear before any of the Location directives using the module. As well, the following directives should be defined in the Apache configuration file.

CSL_db database
the name of the database [required]

CSL_user user
the user to connect to the database as [required]

CSL_passwd password
the password to use for this user [optional if no password is required for the user specified in CSL_user.]

CSL_tt2 /path/to/tt2
the path to the tt2 pages [required].

the default download location [optional - will be used if not specified]

CSL_max_results 200
the maximum number of results to obtain [optional - 200 will be used if not specified]

CSL_html_root /usr/local/httpd/CPAN
the path to the local html docs [required for the perldoc handler]

the uri to use for the html docs [required for the perldoc handler]

Available response handlers are as follows.



the Apache2::CPAN::Search manpage, the CPAN::Search::Lite::Query manpage, and mod_perl.


 Apache2::CPAN::Query - mod_perl interface to CPAN::Search::Lite::Query

CPAN-Search-Lite documentation | view source